Tuesday 12 September 2017

Trolley 89

By one of those coincidences which fill our lives, having had no Waitrose trolleys for two years, I get two in two days, with this one being captured just past the railway bridge, coming up to the Rifleman, the bottom of the front door of which can be seen top left.

This particular trolley looked as if it had been out in the weather for a few months, with a white film on the metal surfaces. so I thought it best to return it to the back door, rather than to the trolley stack front of house. With the back door being in the yard between the Ashley Centre and the South Street shops, and illustrated at reference 1, with Waitrose being somewhere to the right of Makiyaki (whatever that might be).

It took a little while for the lady on customer services to grasp what I was on about, she probably never having had occasion to go anywhere near the back door. Will Waitrose go to the bother of scrubbing the trolley down or will it be straight in the skip? I did not notice one in the yard, but I imagine there must be some serious rubbish disposal capability there, somewhere or another.

It did not occur to me that I might take the thing home and give it a scrub myself until afterwards. Not that BH would have been best pleased if I had.

PS: there was a chap sitting at a terminal by the customer service desk and it turned out that he was a technician from the company responsible for the store's fire prevention/mitigation set-up and he was paying one of his regular visits to check it out. With the terminal being provided for a succession of people like himself on one mission or another. From which we deduce that expanding shop floor has squeezed out any privacy & comfort that there might have once been for contractors... At least there was a coffee machine to hand.

Reference 1: https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@51.3321362,-0.270222,172m/data=!3m1!1e3.

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