Thursday 24 November 2016

Grumpy user

I go to open a Word file on OneDrive this morning and I get the message included left. I carry on to open the file and find that two of the images therein are missing and one has been damaged. The only good news is that it appears to be clear where the damage is.

I go to google and find quite a lot of stuff about OneDrive file corruption, but most of it a couple of years old.

I find out about something called 'Open and repair' which does no good at all.

I find a suggestion that maybe I was playing around with a USB device and turned the PC off, or something of that sort. Not applicable.

I talk to the helpful people at BT, to be told that this sort of more or less random corruption is just going to happen from time to time: Word is a complicated product and you cannot expect it to be perfect. On the up side, it seems that the previously odd behaviour on this file with the 'save' command - with Word treating it as a 'save as' - was, with hindsight, early warning of a problem.

So I am left rather cross. I am a reasonably careful user of Word and the whole point of paying MS rent is for this sort of thing not to happen and for me not to have to worry that it might happen.

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