Sunday 29 May 2016

The modern way of doing things

Wanting a bit of a primer on mathematics and music, google turned up for me a paper which had been written by a Ms. A, then a student at the University of Wisconsin at LaCross (reference 1). A paper which I found very helpful, so I thought I would drop her an email and tell her so.

Google continues to oblige and turns up a Linkedin account for someone who looks very likely, now somewhere in France. Linkedin being something with which I have a very tenuous link on account of a keep fit class that BH goes to.

Linkedin offers to send the someone something called an Inmail. OK, sezzaye, lets do it. At which point Linkedin invites me to submit my credit card details, not because, needless to say, that they want any money from me at this time, just to keep their records straight. I decide against.

And anyway, maybe it is not the done thing to send people unsolicited emails, not even thank you ones. Who knows.

PS: sezzaye being a nod to Uncle Remus, a relic of my childhood. I still have a handsome book of his stories, perhaps now banned for old-speak about slaves of colour, and perhaps with this actual copy of the book being a relic of my childrens' childhoods' rather than my own - a time when I thought I was pretty good at reading them aloud. And with 'sezzaye' being a word I was in the habit of bloggng a few years back. See references 2 and 3.

Reference 1:

Reference 2:

Reference 3:

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